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The Way - Pastor David Hansel

One of the most famous verses in Scripture is Isaiah 40: "Prepare the way for the Lord." It doesn't say "Prepare a place for the Lord."...

Prayer - Rob Spurlock

Jesus tells us why we pray and how. It is “so that the Father is glorified in the Son” John 14:13. Are we willing to pray until we get an...

Be a Wise Pilgrim - Pastor David Hansel

They had come across the Atlantic Ocean through rough seas and storms, 66 days, locked up in small quarters and the storm tossed....

Superhuman - Rob Spurlock

There are two words that are translated power in the New Testament. They are “Dunamis” and “exousia” The former speaks of a force of...

Rejecting the Word - Rob Spurlock

The Word of God has been sent from Heaven to edify God’s people. It has been poured out like water on the earth. It is the source of life...

Unity - Rob Spurlock

In the 17th chapter of John verse 20 and 21 we find that Jesus on His last night with His beloved disciples prayed for them. But the...

From Pastor David 10/31/20

There are times in our walk when we sense God's presence, His blessings, His favor, His love, and His moving. And there are other times...

From Pastor David

Joshua and Caleb never pretended that there weren't giants in the land. They knew full well what they were up against. In fact, Joshua...

(Blog) Nuggets from the Word: Blog2

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